
Aqua Heaven Leuven


If you make a booking on a working day (Monday to Friday) before 6pm, you get a 10€ – 15€ discount (automatically settled at checkout).

The larger your group, the lower the price per individual.


Last minute offers, with discounts up to 25%, are posted daily on our website.

For obvious hygiene reasons, you are kindly requested to bring or rent a bathrobe, flip flops and 2 towels per person.

Flip flops are mandatory in our saunas.

Rental fee
5€ for a bathrobe  – 5€ for a large towel – 5€ flip flops

*Discounts are not cumulative with gift vouchers.

Exotic & Oriental

# pers. 2 hours €/pers 3 hours €/pers. 4 hours €/pers. 5 hours €/pers.
  euro 2 hours euro 3 hours euro 4 hours euro 5 hours
2 160 80 220 110 280 140 340 170
3 210 70 279 93 348 116 417 139
4 260 65 340 85 420 105 500 125
5 300 60 390 78 480 96 570 114
6/7 330 55 432 72 534 89 636 106
8/9 360 45 480 60 600 75 720 90
10/11 400 40 530 53 660 66 790 79
12/13 420 35 564 47 708 59 852 71
14/15 434 31 588 42 742 53 896 64
16 448 28 608 38 768 48 928 58


# pers. 2 hours €/pers. 3 hours €/pers. 4 hours €/pers. 5 hours €/pers.
  euro 2 hours euro 3 hours euro 4 hours euro 5 hours
2 130 65 180 90 230 115 280 140
3 165 55 222 74 279 93 336 112
4 200 50 264 66 328 82 392 98


# pers. 2 hours €/pers. 3 hours €/pers. 4 hours €/pers. 5 hours €/pers.
  euro 2 hours euro 3 hours euro 4 hours euro 5 hours
2 140 70 190 95 240 120 290 145
3 180 60 240 80 300 100 360 120
4 200 50 264 66 328 82 392 98


We welcome children of all ages. Here are the prices:

• The entrance of children under the age of 5 is free

• The entrance of children with the age between 5 and 12 years is charged  as followed:

• 2 hours for 25 € /child

• 3 hours for 30 € / child

• 4 hours for 35 € / child

Above the age of 12, adult price is charged.

Saunavereniging België monitors the quality of our saunas.



Tel: 02/270.17.17
Indringingsweg 1b, 1800 Vilvoorde


Tel: 016/295.295
Nerviërsstraat 37, 3000 Leuven